Cruise-In for a Cause supports local causes. 

On the third Thursday evening in September of each year, Yukon 66 Main Street hosts Cruisers at the annual "Cruise-In for a Cause" under the lights of Main.

This is a free Cruise with participants encouraged to contribute to one of the participating local causes.  

Cruise-In for a Cause is an open Cruise on Yukon's iconic Route 66. In addition to the thrill of enjoying America's Main Street in a fun and unique way, car enthusiasts will have the opportunity to support local charitable causes. The event is free and open to anyone to cruise throughout the evening. A limited number of reserved "Park & Show" spaces in Main Street's 400 block will be available by registration.

The Y66MSA board has selected a single non-profit organization to be this year's participaing "Help" Cause to benefit from contributions collected through Park & Show registrations, direct donations, collections at the donation stations during the event. 

Yukon Citizen's Police Academy Alumni will receive 50% of your Park & Show registration for their Christmas with a Cop Program in partnership with the Yukon Police Department


Dozens of volunteers make this event possible.  It may be the most fun you've ever had "working" an event!  

Volunteer Sign Up

Visit these agents' websites for information

Cherie Logan

John Mercer

Kent Gering